Mikkel Krause Franzen's Endgame Emotions

Book launch and reception on the occasion of the Danish publication of Mikkel Krause Frantzen's Slutspil – Klimasorg, utopisk håb og sommeren 2023, published by Økotopia. Translation, editing and layout: Jeppe Svan.

How does the climate endgame feel? Did the summer of 2023 feel different than the summer of 2022, 2021, 2020? What characterises ecological grief, the emotional response to the losses of contemporary climate change? And can this grief by a utopian force, form the basis of a radical, collective hope?

Such are the questions and the stakes of Slutspil – Klimasorg, utopisk håb og sommeren 2023 – which will be further explored and discussed in a conversation between Mikkel Krause Frantzen, Lea Wiggen (The Green Youth Movement and co-founder of Klimapsykologisk Ungdomsforening) and Frida Hylander (Climate psychologist, author and founder of Klimatpsykologerna).

The event will be in English.