Andersen, R. S. & N. Olsen, “Situating Bjørn Lomborg in the History of Climate Politics: The Turn from Markets to Planning in Promethean Discourse,” in Troy Vettese and Isabel Oakes, ed. Neoliberalism Environmentalism ( forthcoming)
De Rosa, Salvatore Paolo (2024). Occupy Climate Change! An Introduction. De Rosa, Salvatore Paolo, Armiero, M. & Turhan, E.,in Urban Movements and Climate Change: Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation. Amsterdam University Press
De Rosa, Salvatore Paolo (2024). Urban Movements and Climate Change: Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation. De Rosa, Salvatore Paolo (ed.), Armiero, M. (ed.) & Turhan, E. (ed.), Amsterdam University Press. [edited book]
De Rosa, Salvatore Paolo- [forthcoming] Introduction to a Special Issue for Geoforum "Political Ecologies of the Future: Tracing the emergence of climate and ecological apartheid", edited by me and Jevgeniy Bluwstein
Durand, C., Hofferberth, E., & Schmelzer, M. (2024), Planning beyond growth: the case for economic democracy within ecological limits. Journal of Cleaner Production, 437, 140351.
Ejsing, M. (2023), “Living With Others: On Multispecies Resurgence in the Altered Forest Landscapes of the Anthropocene”Journal of Political Ecology, 30(1), 316-334.
Ejsing, M., N. Olsen, S. G. Jacobsen, ”Dansk klimapolitik i et idéhistorisk perspektiv: Økologisk modernisering, sociale bevægelser og relativ stilstand siden 1990’erne”, Slagmark: Temanummer om Naturens Kriser (forthcoming)
Ejsing, M., Veng, A., & Papazu, I. (2023), ”Green Politics Beyond the State: Radicalizing the Democratic Potentials of Climate Citizens’ Assemblies”, Climatic Change.
Frantzen, M. K., (2023): 1000 kriser, 100 økologier, 10 utopier. In: En anden økologi: Anti-kapitalistisk håndbog, eds. Dias, T. (Aarhus: Antipyrine), forthcoming.
Frantzen, M. K., Monticelli, Lara (2023): Living (with)in Apocalyptic Times: Gotterdammerung Capitalism and the Subversive Power of Utopia in Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future (under review with Theory, Culture, and Society).
Hunt, O. & Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen (2024, forthcoming) ” Klima, global ulighed og spørgsmålet om retfærdighed”, in: Grøn Samfundsteori – Tanker til en økologisk krisetid, ed. Stine Krøijer, Simon Kjær Hansen, Lars Tønder. Hans Reitzels Forlag. NA.
Olsen, N., ”Grøn kapitalisme”, Slagmark: Temanummer om Naturens Kriser (forthcoming)
Olsen, N., ”Klimaøkonomiens svar på global opvarmning: William Nordhaus og troen på teknologiske løsninger,”Slagmark: Temanummer om Naturens Kriser (forthcoming)
Thorsen L.M. & Anders Blok, (2024, forthcoming): “Bruno Latour in/on New Media Art”, in: New Media Art Handbook, ed. Charlie Gere. Bloomsbury, NA.
Thorsen, L.M. (2023), “Art”. i J. Maguire & B. R. Winthereik (red), Reclaiming Technology: A poetic-scientific vocabulary., Ctrl+Alt+Delete Books, ,146-149.
Thorsen, L.M. (2023), “Kunst, videnskab og andre lokale måder at kende planter på: Om Camilla Berners bearbejdning af J.F. Willumsens herbarium”. i L. Bugge Jacobsen (red.), Det jeg aldrig før har set: Camilla Berner. J. F. Willumsens Museum.s.[NA]
Thorsen, L.M. (2024), “Afbrydelser og Fortsat Liv: Planter, der binder verdener sammen” [Cuts and continuations of life: plants that entangle worlds]. in Nanna Stjernholm Jepsen (red.), EMIL WESTMAN HERTZ: ALTID FORANDRET. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Aarhus, s. 241-255.
Thorsen, Line Marie (2024) (accepted, forthcoming) "Planter, fortsættelser og intensiveringer af afbrudt liv" i: Emil Westman Hertz - Altid Forandret, red. Nanna Stjernholm Jepsen, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitets Forlag.
Van Drie, Melissa (2024) (forthcoming), “La voix devint trace: Pour une nouvelle histoire de la matérialité de la voix au XIXe siècle.” In B. Gallet and M. Saladin (eds.) Le Spectre de l'audible. Paris: Eds. Cité de la musique.
Veng, A., Papazu, I., & Ejsing, M. (2023), "Mapping the Danish climate controversy – between political mobilization and industrial cooptation." STS Encounters.
Wennerscheid, Sophie (2023, forthcoming). ”Svangert med levende ting”. Naturens gave i Karin Boyes Kallocain (1940) og Olga Ravns De ansatte (2018), i Iversen, Kristina L., Mjaaland, Marius T. & Oxfeldt, Elisabeth (red.) (2023). Naturen som gave? Tvisyn på naturen i nordisk litteratur. Universitetsforlaget.
Wennerscheid, Sophie (2023, forthcoming). At kigge ind i et mørkt spejl. Fremtidsangst i Jonas Eikas Efter solen, i Markus Floris Christensen & Anders Ehlers Dam (red.): Angst i dansk litteratur. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag
Egmose, J., Hauggaard-Nielsen, H., & Jacobsen, S. G. (2022). Action Research in the Plural Crisis of the Living: Understanding, Envisioning, Practicing, Organising Eco-Social Transformation. Educational Action Research
Egmose, J., Jacobsen, S. G., Hauggaard-Nielsen, H., & Hulgård, L. (2021). The regenerative turn: On the re-emergence of reciprocity embedded in living ecologies. Globalizations, 18(7)
Jacobsen, S. G., & Hunt, O. B. (2022). Climate justice and global politics. In Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics Edward Elgar Publishing.
Mahnke, M. S., Nielsen, M., Petersen, M. L., & Tjørring, L. (2022). Introduction. In Mahnke, M. S., Nielsen, M., Petersen, M. L., & Tjørring, L. (eds). Business Meets the Humanities: The Human Perspective in University-Industry Collaborations. London: Routledge. Pp 1-9.
Olsen, F. E. A., & Lind, A. V. (2022). Bilag I. Bæredygtighedsretorik og -kommunikation: Mod et grønt, retorisk medborgerskab.
Tjørring, L. & Nielsen, M (2022). Provoking dialogue: Ethnographic examples as bridge-builders in university-industry collaborations. In Mahnke, M. S., Nielsen, M., Petersen, M. L., & Tjørring, L. (eds). Business Meets the Humanities: The Human Perspective in University-Industry Collaborations. London: Routledge. Pp. 9-26.
Wennerscheid, Sophie (2022) Liebe/Erotik/Sexualität, i Jan Gerstner, Jakob C. Heller & Christian Schmitt (red.): Handbuch Idylle. Verfahren - Traditionen - Theorien. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler 2022, 479-482.
Wennerscheid, Sophie (2022). Pan/Faun/Satyr, i Jan Gerstner, Jakob C. Heller & Christian Schmitt (red.): Handbuch Idylle. Verfahren - Traditionen - Theorien. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler 2022, 513-515.
Media and interviews (selection)
De Rosa, S. P. Interview with Deutsche Welle Germany on the prosecution of climate activists in Germany and the UK. (min. 3.18 and after).
De Rosa, S P.. Interview by Italian National Radio, Radio Rai 3, for a comment on the aftermath of the COP28, (min. 4.7 and after)
Ejsing, M. - (9 October 2023) – Klimamonitor, Kronik: “Forskere: Dansk klimapolitik er blevet en akavet balancegang mellem industriens og civilsamfundets interesser [Opinion piece: “Researchers: Danish climate policy has become a delicate balancing act between the interests of industry and civil society”]
Ejsing, M., (13 September 2023): -Information, “Regeringen afviser klimaforskning, der ikke passer ind i dens kram”, [Opinion piece:“The Danish government dismisses climate research that does not fit its agenda”]
Ejsing, M., (24 June 2023), , “Forskning og politik hænger sammen” [Opinion piece: “Research and politics go hand in hand”]
“Forskere: Vi misser store klimapotentialer ved kun at fokusere på produktionen” [“Researchers: We are missing out on great climate potentials by only focusing on production”]
Jacobsen, S. G. (30 January 2024) Interview in DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) ”Kampen om historien” | Klimakampens historie | DR LYD.