Japanese shakuhachi concert and talk on music, farming and nature

Concert and talk on music, farming and nature with Katsuya Nonaka.

Katsuya Nonaka is a professional shakuhachi (Japanese traditional bamboo flute) flautist; a natural farmer; skateboarder; documentary film director (“Future is Primitive” 2015) and much more. He describes his lifestyle as ‘hyakusho’ which means “a man with a hundred jobs”.

For the first part of this event, Nonaka will play classic shakuhachi pieces with a specific kind of shakuhachi flute called “Ji-Nashi” shakuhachi: a traditional style of the instrument made from minimally processed bamboo with 5 finger holes. Every bamboo stem has a different shape and bumps inside the bore so the musician must adjust to the specific flute and the sounds offered by the natural material.

Throughout the concert Nonaka take us through the history of the flute and how playing it, is about adjusting yourself to nature, not changing nature for your convenience, but enjoying the relaxing, natural sound and unique tone color of each bamboo.

Following the concert Nonaka will do a talk, followed by a Q&A, on his many practices focusing on music and farming, and how they may all be connected as a way to learn from traditional ways of living holistically with the environments we depend on. Sharing the lifestyle of Japanese people that could offer some ideas for the future in tune with place and planet.

Snacks and drinks will be served during breaks.

Sign up for the event.