Leo Catana

Leo Catana

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

My research focuses on three areas. First, ancient Greek ethical and political thought, especially Socrates, as he was presented in the works by Plato and Xenophon. Second, the historiography of philosophy, that is, the method and historical development of written histories of philosophy, in particular 18th-century German histories of philosophy and their influence. Third, environmental ethics, in particular environmental virtue ethics, which draws on ancient Greek philosophical sources, and which is applied on the current environmental crisis. My research has been recognized in The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945-2015 (published 2019).


Recent and forthcoming publications:

Jacob Brucker, Critical History of Philosophy: ‘Preliminary Discourse’ and ‘On the Socratic School’. Introduction, English translation and commentary by Leo Catana. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024.

Leo Catana (2024). ‘The Aristotelian Strain in Modern Environmental Virtue Ethics: Some Challenges and Some Underexplored Opportunities’: Environmental Ethics (accepted for publication, forthcoming).

Leo Catana 2021. ‘Two Theories of Natural Justice in Plato’s Gorgias’: Elenchos 42.2, pp. 209-228.

Leo Catana 2021. ‘Socrates on Habituation and Politics: Plato’s Gorgias 509c6-510a4’, in Habituation in the History of Thought, ed. Jeremy Durham. London: Routledge.

Leo Catana and Mogens Lærke 2020. ‘Introduction. Histories of philosophy 1800-1950’. Editorial to special issue of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28.3, pp. 431-441. (Journal article.)

Leo Catana 2020. ‘George Grote’s Analysis of Ancient Greek Political Thought: Its Significance to J.S. Mill’s Idea About “Active Character” in a Liberal Democracy’: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28.3, pp. 553-572. (Published online 15 August, 2019; print 2020). (Journal article.)

Leo Catana 2020. ‘Self-Protection and the Afterlife Myth in Plato’s Gorgias’: Revue de métaphysique et de morale, nr. 4, no. 108, pp. 591-609. (Journal article.)

Leo Catana 2020. ‘Plato on Recognition of Political Leaders: The Importance of Mirrored Character Traits’: Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought 37.2, pp. 265-289. (Journal article.)

Leo Catana 2019. ‘Fremtidens klimaløsninger: Glem ikke humanisterne og teologerne’. Published in Point of View. International, November 21, 2019 (internet-based Danish newspaper).

Leo Catana 2019. ‘The Ethical Discussion of Protection (boētheia) in Plato’s Gorgias’Classical Quarterly 68.2, pp. 425-441. (Journal article.)

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